2024 Adult Grow Groups

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  • ACTS 1-12--Explore the Bible

    Led by: Mary Beem & Patrick Carter,  9am Sundays, room 129

    Starting June 2nd

    In Acts 1–12, we uncover the backstory of our Christian legacy. We get a step-by-step account of how our legacy as Christ followers was built and why it has survived for more than 2,000 years. Most important, we’re challenged to expand that legacy in our own generation.  (13 sessions)


  • recovering redemption

    cO-LEADERS: Pastor Josh, pASTOR ty, & tRAVIS bOSSE
    Sundays 9:00am,  eAST sANCTUARY

    Starting June 2nd

    All of us have a sense of dissatisfaction.  And we typically look for solutions in four areas: self, others, the world, and religion.  But none of these will satisfy.  Recovering Redemption is about recovering what is lost and broken – our relationship with Jesus – because the gospel is the remedy to fix all things: every struggle, every circumstance, every relationship, everything. It is an essential study for any new believer, but will also help connect the dots of the faith of those who have been Christ followers for years, serving as a bridge between salvation and maturity.

  • Disciplines of A godly man

    Led by: Jim McCarty, 8:00am Saturdays, Room 129

    Men only. Work up a "spiritual sweat" with this beloved bestseller and accept the challenges of godly living! Hughes offers biblical wisdom; memorable illustrations; and practical suggestions to help you grow in godliness through the disciplines of purity, friendship, devotion, prayer, worship, integrity, perseverance, leadership, giving, and more. Updated edition features fresh content and a study guide.

  • The Songs of Jesus

    Led by: Tempest Stein, 12:30 pm Mondays, Zebs Coffeehous, eudora, ks

    Women only. Two decades ago, Tim Keller began reading the entire Book of Psalms every month. The Songs of Jesus is based on his accumulated years of study, insight, and inspiration recorded in his prayer journals. Kathy Keller came to reading the psalms as a support during an extended illness. Together they have distilled the meaning of each verse, inviting readers into the vast wisdom of the psalms.

    If you have no devotional life yet, this book is a wonderful way to start. If you already spend time in study and prayer, understanding every verse of the psalms will bring you a new level of intimacy with God, unlocking your purpose within God’s kingdom.

  • 2 Corinthians by John MacArthur

    Led by: Mary Beem, 12:30PM Tuesdays, Room 129

    Women only. In 2 Corinthians Paul's godly character shines through as he interacts with the most troubled of his congregations. Its thirteen chapters reveal his humility; he described himself as a lowly clay pot, stressed his human weakness and inadequacy, and was reluctant to defend himself when attacked. His declaration, "For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus' sake" sums up his selfless concern for them.